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hari ini selesai ngadain reuni SMP di spy dan alhamdulilah acara sukses berat, semuah orang mba mba dan mas mas yang ngelayanin kita bekerja sama dengan baik dan sangat hangat, selain acara sukses semuah temen2 bilang kalo makanan nya enak dan tempat nya juga pewe banget walaupun kita segambreng gini, tetep di pertahanin ya spy 😎 love love it !
Hari ini seneng bgt dibuatin acara ulangtahun sama pacar, kaka, dan temanteman. Tempatnya cocok binggo buat nongski acara anak muda dan cara pelayanannya keren abis dan alhamdulillah mba dan mas nya mendukung acara yg dibuatin.❤️❤️ makanan dan minumannya enakkk
peter c
Last couple of weeks, after my friend and I had finished our shopping time, we went to The Spy Club restaurant which is a new opening restaurant in Kemanggisan area (West Jakarta). The Spy Club is a restaurant with a unique concept and they bring up theme of spy. The Spy Club is located near Binus Square. We did not get a hard time to find the restaurant since we are really familiar with the Kemanggisan area.Well, that's all? I wish! But It was not that easy.After we went through that door, we were still wondering if this place was a real restaurant?? Even we had got inside, we still had not reached the dining area. It was really confusing because there were some entry doors. We tried to open them until we found the dining area and got inside (Finally! :D). We were welcomed by super friendly staffs who wear SWAT vests (Well, I didn't take their picture since I was afraid it would be annoying them).The Spy Club features 4 dining areas which are The Club (main and indoor), Dangerous Garden (smoking and outdoor area), The Porch (reserved room), and The Bond Room (reserved room). You can reserve a room for dining and karaoke with your friends there (Yes, they have karaoke facility). Moreover, they have a seating capacity about 70 - 100 people. Dangerous Garden is the coziest area in our opinion, hence we decided to dine in there.Now, let's move to what we had for dinner!The Chicken Identity (IDR 28,000)The Chicken Identity is one of the Indonesian foods that The Spy Club has. The Chicken Identity is their signature herb fried chicken with crunchy flakes, served with rice, fried tofu, fried tempeh, and spy secret chili. Too bad we did not get fried tofu, but 2 pieces of fried tempeh (maybe their tofu was out of stock?). Although the presentation of this menu was not special, but the taste was quite good. Beware of their spy secret chili, It will be really spicy for you who are not a chili-lovers :). Spyghetti Tulio (IDR 30,000)Spyghetti Tulio is their signature pasta with spicy tuna and blend of 11 herbs and spices. The portion was not too big, but enough for one person. Again, there was not special presentation of this menu, but you can notice that there were many chili seeds there and it was not surprising if the spaghetti was quite spicy. I could not really enjoy the pasta since it was too spicy for me, but I liked the tuna and the pasta was not too oily for me.The Flava (IDR 17,000)The Flava is a flavored iced tea that comes with 3 choices of flavors (strawberry, mango, and lychee). It served in a glass jar with pieces of fruit inside. The taste was so great and refreshing. Moreover, Its fragrance was prominent too. I should admit it that I like this tea :)Overall, The Spy Club restaurant is quite good. They have a unique concept, friendly staffs and cozy place to hang out with friends. If I go back to there, I will try their other signature menus, especially satay conspiracy (It was out of stock when we wanted to order it). Their prices are also reasonable, maybe because it's located near the campus area (Binus University). Oh, I almost forget, if you are a student, feel free to ask the staff if there is discount for student and then make sure that you bring your student ID card :).
Spy Club Restaurant is a new restaurant in Kemanggisan, Palmerah area, West Jakarta, which has just had its grand opening on June 9th, 2015. Spy Club Restaurant has a very unique and interesting concept as it brings up the theme of spy club and security technology that (I think) is the first time I find here in Jakarta. The word “SPY” here is an acronym of Security Professional Youth, because the place is actually a brainchild of the owner, Dr. Ir. Sanny Suharli, who is one of the earliest pioneers in electronic security industry with more than 30 years of experience.It was not difficult to find the place and I was surprised to see a house-like building with spacious parking lot and gate where Spy Club Restaurant is located. No greeter was seen anywhere so we tried to find our way through the door on the left. Interestingly, the door has a security lock installed and following the guidance from the speaker, we managed to get inside, YAY!Getting inside didn’t mean that I directly got into the dining area or something like that. There are many entries from there and after losing our way *ahem*, the right door opened and we finally got into the main dining area, which is called The Club. I am not gonna put the photos of the right way so you guys can keep the thrill!Basically, Spy Club Restaurant has 4 areas: The Club (main dining area), Dangerous Garden (semi outdoor area) like you’ll see below, The Bond Room (private room), and The Porch (just near the parking lot).Prices for Food & Beverages range from only IDR 4,500 to 32,000 only, but there is a special menu called The Chicken Ultimatum, which is priced at IDR 95,000. This is like a mandatory menu if you’re a big eater, because you can choose up to 4 pcs of the signature chickens (The Chicken Identity or The Chicken Supremacy) plus free refill of rice.So, let’s start with the F&B, shall we?The Nutty Agent IDR 17,000Although the beverage option is not too many, but this is a must-try item, a signature drink which is a blend of nuts and mint. Very refreshing and I love how they make it with perfect sweetness.The Flava: Mango IDR 17,000For tea lovers, I would recommend The Flava, which comes in 3 flavors: Mango, Strawberry, and Lychee. Although this was a fruit tea, the tea flavor and fragrance were still very prominent. I found it very pleasant and refreshing.Oh wait! Did I mention that the staffs wear SWAT vests over their uniforms? Of course those are not real, but who cares, right? At least it enhances the feeling of the concept! XDAgent P IDR 20,000Inspired by Disney’s Agent Perry the Platypus who loves potato chips, this is a healthier version which is smooth potato puree with vegetables.The presentation is beautiful with all the colors combination, and it looks so healthy. XD The potato was really made into puree, smoother and softer than mashed potato but had a grainy texture when eaten. I actually enjoyed this “salad” but I think it would be much better if it was served with some kind of dressing sauce because the taste was too bland.Secrettt IDR 18,000Tahu Telur with spicy fragrant peanut sauce is a great thing for starter, don’t you think? Again, I was quite impressed by the presentation because I didn’t expect anything like this when the word “tahu telur” comes up in my mind.The tahu telur was a successful blend of tofu and egg, with distinctive taste of egg and additional fresh vegetables on top. I love the peanut sauce, it wasn’t spicy at all for me, but the peanut was so aromatic and tasty.The Ketoprak IDR 18,000Ketoprak is my favorite Betawi/Jakarta dish (I prefer it thousand times more than Gado-Gado), and this didn’t fail me either. Interesting point is that the rice noodle or bihun was deep-fried instead of boiled, giving a different touch to the typical ketoprak. Served with a perfect sunny side up and crackers, it was a real deal!The Bond’s Spyghetti IDR 31,000Classic Spaghetti Bolognese with chopped garlic is the recommended item from Spy Club Restaurant. The spaghetti was cooked al dente, nicely moist and topped with generous Bolognese sauce. Although Bolognese sauce is not really my cup of tea, I really love, love, love this. The combination of sweetness and sourness really made my tongue dancing happily.Spyghetti Carbonara IDR 29,000This white sauce spaghetti was cooked with creamy chicken and mushroom. By this time, I was totally sold and I know I have to come back to this place.Sunrice Chicken IDR 25,000Rice, chicken and mushroom served with half-done egg yolk, which is also another signature dish. This tasted just like Nasi Cap Cay (Rice with Stir-fried Vegetables) but the egg gave a nice touch to the whole dish. The flavor was okay but we found it a bit under-seasoned and perhaps would have been better if more soy sauce was added.The Chicken Supremacy IDR 28,000Signature herb chicken, fried with green chili, served with rice, fried tofu and tempeh.This is supposed to be spicy, and we can adjust the level of spiciness according to our liking (from level 1 to 5), I don’t remember which level mine was, but it was moderate. The chicken was fully covered by beautiful green chili and it made me drool just by looking at it. It was a simple dish (chicken and rice basically) but the taste was overwhelming. Love the fragrant and addicting green chili and scrumptious chicken!Satay Conspiracy IDR 20,000Banana and honey with lemongrass skewers, I didn’t even know it was supposed to be a sweet dessert until I had a bite. The banana was sweet and soft, the crisp outside was perfect.The Italian Plot IDR 19,000Affogato where the coffee switches place with vanilla. YUM! The coffee ice cream was very aromatic and delicious. Great dessert to end the delicious meals we just had.Our first visit to Spy Club Restaurant was quite memorable because of the food, atmosphere, and also the service. I really like how homey the place is, despite being decorated with security-related stuffs that scream “dangerous” (come on, life of a spy always connects with danger everywhere, everytime), but we see coolness and interesting points in those things. Overall, we had great time enjoying our meals there and can’t wait to go back. Best wishes for Spy Club Restaurant and see you again soon!
A milked coffe with Nutty flavor and some hint of mint for cooling sensation.---------------------------------------IDR 17.000++.Kemanggisan Utara No. 5.
Sekali nyoba saat weekdays jam 7 malam. Kesan pertama: tempat yang unik, konsepnya asik. Saya pesan spaghetti chicken mushroom carbonara, rasanya lumayan tapi sayangnya ga berasa adanya mushroom. Selain itu, tempatnya juga gerah (dari 3ac yang saya lihat, hanya 1 yang hidup). Anyway, overall masih puas lah karena ga terlalu mahal dan masih nyaman. Semoga ditingkatkan karena saya suka konsepnya yang unik
Pengaturan posisi tempat duduk di restorannya agak kurang nyaman kl tempatnya lg rame. Kmrn kebetulan dtg lg sepi bgt jd ya nyaman2 aja buat ngobrol lama sambil ketawa2 dsb. Makanannya enak, porsinya banyak. Yaa buat harga yg cenderung ga pricey ya standart aja. Nama menu makanannya lucu, contohnya chicken supremacy yg gataunya ayam sambel ijo. lol.
Setyawan T
hunger attacked while having my car washed and walked to this restaurant beside it.was ordering agent p from the menu but it's out, so i moved to their black sunrice : rice, black pepper beef and sunny side-up egg (idr 28k) and jasmine ice tea (idr 9k, free refill).prices are before tax & service.the rice was good. i still can feel the butter, but i'd love to have a stronger black pepper taste.if u're going to pay using debit bca, make sure ur bill is idr 50k and above.
Pertama kali sy coba makanan di resto ini agak mengecewakan krn nasi msh mentah kedua sy coba bubur ayamnya pagi hari ternyata amat sangat mengecewakan rasanya bubur seperti lem lengket & tdk ada rasanya, yg terasa hanya kecap & emping...u harganya terbilang mahal u bubur 20rb u makan ditempat berikut air teh tawar segelas 5000....😂😭
Pertama dan terakhir kalinya makan disini sepertinya (sorry to say) 😔Waktu itu pesen sunrice chicken yang rasanya lumayan dan biasa aja. Lalu pacar saya krn lagi kepingin makan pasta dia pesan spyghetti tulio dan rasanyaaa..... Luar biasa cuma rasa pedesss aja pake banget, asin nggak, gurih nggak, jadi yg kerasa hanya pedes aja hambar 😅 mungkin lain kali sebelum dihidangkan ke tamu, dicobain dulu kali yah rasanya 😅😅Tapi untuk tempatnya lumayan kreatif, sampe bingung mau masuknya lewat pintu yg mana 😄
Spy Club Restaurant terletak di Jl. Kemanggisan Utama No. 5.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Kemanggisan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Kafe Terbaik di Jakarta
Mengikuti perkembangan zaman, kafe kini tidak hanya fokus menyajikan makanan dan minuman yang lezat, tetapi juga kenyamanan pengunjung. Hal ini pula memunculkan konsep intagramable yang banyak digunakan di kafe-kafe. Jakarta Selatan memiliki banyak kafe yang instagramable untuk kamu jelajahi. Kafe-kafe ini biasanya interior yang menarik dan spot foto yang bagus.
10 Restoran Indonesia Terbaik di Jakarta
Masakan Indonesia masih menjadi salah incaran bagi banyak orang, meski kini banyak bergama pilihan kuliner negara lain. Mudah untuk menemukan Restoran Indonesia di Jakarta. Hampir sebagian besar restoran di Jakarta menyediakan masakan khas indonesia. Beberapa di antaranya, sudah terkenal sebagai restoran paling enak di Jakarta dan memiliki banyak penggemar yang selalu antri.
10 Restoran Jepang Terbaik di Jakarta
Jepang tak hanya dikenal dengan keindahan kota dan budayanya, melainkan juga keragaman kulinernya yang nikmat dan menarik untuk dicoba. Makanan Jepang cukup mudah ditemukan di manapun, salah satunya yaitu di Jakarta. Shabu-shabu, Sushi, Ramen dan Sukiyaki Don merupakan contoh makanan khas Jepang yang paling populer di Jakarta. Masakan Jepang kemudian terbagi lagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu autentik dan juga fusion. Meski harganya sedikit mahal, namun makanan Jepang tetap selalu jadi incaran para pencinta kuliner.
10 Restoran Terbaik di Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta
Banyak tempat makan enak di Jakarta. Salah satunya yaitu pantai mutiara di kawasan Jakarta Utara. Tidak sulit menemukan restoran di pantai mutiara. Di Pantai mutiara banyak jenis makanan mulai dari cafe sampai dengan restoran mewah. Rekomendasi restoran di pantai mutiara karena bukan karena hanya rasa yang enak tetapi suasana di pingir pantai membuat suasana semakin nyaman.
10 Restoran Chinese Food Terbaik di Jakarta
Chinese food cukup populer di Indonesia. Walaupun terkenal dengan menu non-halal, saat ini cukup banyak restoran Cina yang menyajikan menu halal. Tak sulit menemukan restoran Chinese food di Jakarta. Beberapa di antaranya sudah berdiri sejak dulu dan dikenal memiliki rasa yang konsisten. Sejak dulu, restoran China sudah terkenal dengan kelezatannya sehingga tak heran hingga saat ini banyak diminati pembeli.
10 Restoran Steak Terdekat di Jakarta
Steak adalah makanan yang mewah dan selain danging nya yang lezat steak di lengkapi degan saus coklat yang sangat enak. Tidak sulit untuk menemukan restoran steak terdekat di Jakarta Timur seperti Cibubur Junction, Mall Cipinang Indah, dan lain-lain. Itu adalah beberapa mall yang di rekomendasi untuk mencari restoran steak enak di Jakarta Timur. Selain itu beberapa restoran steak di Jakarta Timur seringkali dijadikan pilihan untuk tempat untuk bersantai atau tempat nongkrong bersama teman. Pasti nya Anda sering menemukan steak terdekat dari tempat Anda yang ramai dengan penggunjung nya.
10 Restoran Korea Terbaik di Jakarta
Saat ini makanan korea sangatlah sedang rami ramai nya dikarenakan Demam K-Pop di Indonesia yang memberikan efek positif terhadap kuliner korea di Jakarta. Saat ini sangat mudah menemukan restoran masakan Korea di Jakarta yang menyediakan hidangan dessert khas Korea, BBQ, main course, dan lain-lain. Masakan Korea yang sering ditemukan pada film-film Korea biasanya yang paling dicari.
10 Bar Terbaik di Jakarta
Sebagai ibu kota yang tidak pernah tidur, Jakarta memiliki banyak tempat hiburan seru untuk bersenang-senang di malam hari. Salah satunya bar di Jakarta yang kerap menjadi tempat bersantai,terutama bagi anak muda Jakarta. Selain menunya yang menarik,suasananya bikin betah. Jika kamu sedang mencari tempat untuk menghibur dan bersantai di malam hari,berikut adalah beberapa bar di Jakarta yang paling populer.
10 Restoran All You Can Eat (AYCE) di Jakarta dengan Harga Di Bawah Rp 99000
Suka makan enak dengan porsi besar? Mungkin Anda bisa mencoba makan sama sekali anda bisa makan restoran yang menawarkan konsep all-you-can-eat tanpa harus khawatir dengan harganya. Mulai dari appetizer hingga dessert, anda bisa mencicipinya hingga puas dengan waktu yang terbatas. Dan restoran ini memiliki kisaran harga yang bervariasi dan biasanya mulai dari 100 ribu. Ingin makan semua yang anda bisa dengan teman-teman di sebuah restoran yang tidak membuat kantong? Tenang, ini restoran all you can eat murah di bawah 200 ribu yang direkomendasikan Yummyadvisor.
10 Restoran Pizza Terbaik di Jakarta
Pizza adalah salah satu makanan Italia terpopuler di Indonesia. Di Jakarta sudah sangat banyak restoran pizza dan selalu ramai dikunjungi setiap harinya. Menemukan Restoran Pizza yang enak di Jakarta sangatlah mudah, dengan mementingkan tempat makan, variasi harga dan yang utama rasa yang enak. Selain rasanya yang enak, pizza sangat cocok dinikmati beramai-ramai karena memiliki porsi yang besar. Salah satu Restoran Pizza terkenal saat ini adalah Pizza Place.
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