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31 Ulasan



Rp 30.000 / Orang

Pondok Indah Mall 1, Pondok Indah

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  • Steven H


    Bingung sebenarnya mau pesan apa saat itu, mbaknya nunjukin menu2 yg baru dan akhirnya saya pilih yang choco taro pearl milk tea. Rasanya? Perpaduan choco dan taro tp rasa taro sedikit lebih terasa. Dan ini first time aku coba quickly pearlnya beda dari brand yg biasa saya beli. Dia benar2 lembut ga ada keras2nya sedikitpun

  • CantikaR7


    My favorite dari lama bgt sebelum banyak pearl milk tea lainnya. Selalu beli taro oreo pearl, dari dulu rasanya gak berubah, tapi kalo sekarang crumble oreonya udh gak ada. Kalo dulu kerasa bgt oreonya! Pearlnya jg dari dulu favorit karena teksturnya gak begitu kenyel tp gk keras jugaaa. Pas! Pudding coklat / taro nya enakkk juga! Harus coba:)

  • Gapit_Kadi


    Pesen choco taro milk tea, less ice seharga 26k. Minumannya pas, agak kental & gak encer kaya milk tea lain. Taronya gak terlalu berasa, tapi choconya enak banget. Gw kurang suka minum pake topping bubble, tapi kalo Quickly pengecualian karena bubblenya lembut banget, gak keras sama sekali, dan enak dinikmatin sama choco taro ini. Oke banget minuman ini & bikin kembung!

  • hoki2s


    Maaf kalo berlebay-an kasih rating, karna ini bubble drink yang dr jaman gw SMA which was 11 years ago, yes mereka berdiri dan bertahan sudah selama itu and yes it means I'm old 😛 anyway rasa ngak pernah berubah, paling suka sama Choco Taro coz I love that both flavor and they can combine it together, well bless u Quickly!! tbh I don't like much of it's competitors actually, I digs all of the Quickly flavor coz they are simple and not too sweet (the very important part) also bubble included, yg lain bubble terkadang additional kan jatohnya lebih mahal.. I still love u Quicky, long last!!

  • TrailBlazer762417


    Loved their freshness, taste and quality... The oreo choco taro milk tea is amazing and the puddings tastes really good too, i used to mix it into tea.. Worth the price...

  • Rapasha a


    Quickly Taro and Chocolate is my favourite, never failed from expectations, always keep the standard of the bubble, and the milk tea itself which is good to compete between other newly born tea stalls. I think this Quickly brand is my first bubble tea I remember tried back years ago. Keep up the good work *FJR

  • alamjayap


    Quickly's Taro has the best taste among other bubble drink counter in my opinion. This drink is my companion from years ago. So, though bubble drink is really hype now, I still briefly buy bubble drink from Quickly.Choco Taro pearl milk tea is my recommended drink. Their red velvet is also nice.

  • windi y


    I think when it come to taro milk tea, quickly is the champions. I dont know sometimes when too much of competitor, you'll back to your roots. In this case, quickly is the answer. (Still) taste best, (still) original milk tea and pearl, and (still) will be top of mind when it comes to milk tea. Of course, (still) Taro Mint is the champ here!

  • shaggyBelitong


    Another day to enjoy the deliciousness of Quickly at home. I'm ordering Kiwi Milk Tea with bubbles and apple jelly topping, Blueberry Milk Tea with bubbles and grape jelly topping, and Strawberry Milk Tea with bubbles and grape jelly topping ofc with the one and only Go-Food because I'm not in a good condition to go out today. So, cheers.

  • Dillaseftiyani


    Nyobain green apple pearl teanya,rasanya lumayan lah, pas bgt diminum pas lagi tengah hari yang panas terik gini. Cuma teteup ya yang rame counter tetangganya hehehehe, tapi quickly juga enak sih, harga juga pas dikantong, gak mahal mahal amat. Next mau kesini lagi mau coba variant yang lain.

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Quickly terletak di Pondok Indah Mall 1, Lantai 1, Area 51, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Minuman di dekat Pondok Indah Mall 1, Pondok Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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