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19 Ulasan
Aim for the meatballs and you'll be satisfied. value for money, too bad the place's a bit cramped, can't even stretch a leg, need more space absolutely
Nice place, friendly staffs, TASTY FOOD.We ordered spaghetti meatballs, UFO burger (you should try! this is their new menu) and something chicken steak (seriously i forgot the name).As we ordered 3 kind of different food, we dont expect those three are delicious.Tada! Our orders were already on the table and OMG just like its name, the three are so great and really tasty. Surely will comeback in a bit. ;)One of my new favorite restaurant!
Have you ever imagined meatball and burger combined into one? Now it doesn't have to be in your imagination only as OMG "Original Meatball Gallery" has turned it into reality.The venue was a 2-storey building, located right across Superindo. The first floor was dedicated for coffee-making, while the second one was the place for dining. The concept was quite unique as the walls were all covered by writings and paintings. Unfortunately, it was quite hot, making me keep sweating.For me, the most recommended dish is UFO Burger (IDR 60k), a new one which has not been available on the menu. This dish does not only have stunning presentation, but also impressive taste! The bun’s texture is lovely, the smoked beef under the meatballs is tasty, the veggies are fresh, and the slightly sweet sauce comes as a perfect balancer for the savoury taste of other ingredients. Made of savoury and tender minced beef, the meatballs have successfully performed their role as the main actor of the dish. Not to mention, the super generous amount of melted cheese, which is definitely one of the most unforgettable part of the dish.I tried two of their beverages. I was quite disappointed with the Hot Lucacao Chocolate (IDR 30k) as I could barely taste the chocolate flavor and the texture was too thin for me. However, I highly recommend the Very Berry Smoothies (IDR 30k), which is basically the mixture of fresh strawberries, milk, and yoghurt. This is surely a perfect match to Jakarta's super hot weather.Overall, I am highly satisfied with OMG's signature dish as the taste is far beyond my expectation. I am also impressed with the fast and warm service from the waitress. Just 1 recommendation, they might need to make the venue cooler for it to be more comfy :)
I came here and expected to have a standard meatball with so so sauce. So when i read the menu, i was thrilled because OMG offer a variety choice of sauce and food, from sliders to pasta. That night i tried Naked Balls with Hot Sauce level 3, Naked Balls with Mushroon Sauce, Sliders, and Jumbo Spicy Wing with Hooters Spicy Sauce. Too bad, the Naked Balls filling is unavaillable and their Mashed Potatoes was sold out.Will go back, tho. I want to try the burger and drink their 'too many' specialty drinks.
Sibo M
Which one do you prefer, burger or meatballs? Can't decide? This restaurant is definitely for you!! "OMG-Original Meatball Galore" !Coming with an unique innovation, this restaurant offers a special menu, which is U.F.O@ Burger. It is undoubtful why this menu can be the best seller. The taste is sooooo yummy. The taste of those 3 superb homemade meatballs, combined with caramelized onion, fresh vegetables, and mozzarella melting cheese, is just perfect!So meatballers, what are you waiting for?Anw, psssst! This menu is a hidden menu. You won't find it in the menu book but if you ask for it, you will definitely get it.Pampering myself, I choose to order a glass of very berry smoothies to complement my big lunch. Like a little girl, I always love the taste of creamy fruitshake. It's so refreshinghttp://instagram.com/p/uSxNCHkFeV/
Enzy N
I finally got a chance to try OMG although it is not in their real store. They set a stand in Lippo Mall Puri last week, and mainly serving Naked Balls. I choose Naked balls with potato and mushroom sauce. The potato turned out to be potato chips (similar to lays but thicker). I love their meatballs! It is quite textural (not too soft) but no hard bits. They put spices in it, especially chili (i can see it!), it definitely has a spicy taste in it, but not overwhelming. The sauce is like a creamy-mushroom sauce which is so yummy. They also serve foccacia bread along with a bowl of meatballs. A portion consists of 3 big sized meatballs, which is sufficient enough for a person.
Shyikh M
O.M.G! Yes, it stands for Original Meatball Galore which galore means that 'more than one could need' if not mistaken. Great ambience here, the place quite big with combination of black and red color as their modern interior theme. Great services with good explanation of their menu. Here's the review:Meatballs Egg Benedict- It served with slice of bread with ham, cheese in it. Taste it's a real yummy here the combination for the meatballs which is lil bit of sour taste yet tasty. Delicious!Naked Balls with Foccacia bread- Naked balls is one of the OMG's signature dish. We can choose one of the sauce for this one: tomato, hot sauce, mushroom, cream cheese, black pepper, or OMG special sauce. We ordered OMG sauce with extra foccacia bread. Foccacia bread itself is a flat oven-baked italian bread which is similiar to garlic bread for the taste but lil bit crunchy than garlic one. OMG sauce is combination of tomato with cheese sauce. Gotta say for this menu because the texture was solid and top notch for the sauce! The sauce boost our appetite to eat non stop. Bravo!Overall, great place to enjoy variety of meatballs menu with good price. Service excellent :)Craved!Urban CulinaireIG: urban_culinaireEmail: urban_culinaire@asia.com
Eeemmmm, baksonya enak, tp saucenya yg gue pesen, stroganoff sauce, agak keasinan en terlalu cheesy, mgkn krn gue ga terlalu suka cheese bgt kali ya, jadi rada eneg, cuman meatballnya enak, disajikan dalam 1 mangkok, isi 3 bakso, dan garlic bread, side dishnya gue pesen garlic butter rice, rada oily, tp enak rasanya. Tuna saladnya juga terlalu asin, mgkn krn campuran mayo dan tunanya jadi berasa bgt asinnya. Tapi, overall standard lah rasanya. Maybe next time, gue bakal coba naked meatball dgn OMG special saucenya. Ownernya ramah, tempatnya oke, nyaman, tersedia smoking area khusus, jadi aman buat yang non smoker.
I first know this place from a friend's review. Unlike any other places, this place is a bit 'shy'. Painted black in a not-so-spacious outlet, you won't really notice that it actually existed.However, as you come in, it's offers quite a good ambience. The design is a mixture of modern and homey. When I was there, the first floor was empty. No customers, not even staffs. So I went to the second floors and saw two tables occupied. Quite empty, still. That day I chose Meatball Spaghetti Bolognese, Meatball Egg Benedict, Fruit Lemonade (Lychee), and Choco Nutella. The staff told me that the regular sauce for the egg benedict is not available and offered us honey lemon sauce as substitute. I agreed.The drinks came out first, followed by Meatball Spaghetti Bolognese and Egg Benedict. As a sweet tooth, the Choco Nutella didn't quite satisfying my crave of sweets. I expected something sweeter than that. The Lychee Lemonade was splendid! A great mixture of sour & sweet. refreshing! I was happy with the Spaghetti for it has lots of meat in it :D the sauce was just fine. Egg Benedict with honey lemon sauce was nice. I liked the sweet tangy flavor but easily got bored by it.I don't know why, but maybe because of the long new year holiday, they seemed to be lacking of staffs. I couldn't order coffee for the barista was absent and it took time for me to get the bill.To sum up, do I like this place? Yup. Do I like the food? So so. Will I come back? Yes. Am curious of the burger and the naked balls.
andy w
The OMG! BBQ burger was standard but the naked balls was super ! You can choose what sauce you want for the meatballs. I recommend to order that when you come here.
OMG "Original Meatball Galore" terletak di Jl. Meruya Ilir Raya No. 16A, Meruya, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Meruya. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Restoran Pizza Terbaik di Jakarta
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