Mojo Kitchen & Bar
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Mojo Kitchen & Bar


36 Ulasan



Rp 175.000 / Orang


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Review Mojo Kitchen & Bar


36 Ulasan

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  • Jiwadara74


    I actually like the food in this place, but this afternoon is a kind of disappointing in timing ,i ordered taco at first , but they said everything with the taco shell is out of stock, so i ordered  Classic Mexican Beef  bowl instead ,  by Delivery website starting from I hanged up the phone for order takes me more less 45 minutes , after i called back the website Guy, he said the staff told him, they only has 1 guy on duty at the kitchen, after i make sure, and called the Mojo team, they said that they are crowded at this moment. I didn't mean to brag, but its very tacky to mentioned that reason.i had been to a place more crowded that that, and they doing just fine. Or if they do feel they expect a delay on the service they will informed me in advance , so able to give me choice to still want to order or cancel. I feel sorry for the website Guy too, he waited there too long.

  • cornelestamawiwy


    Pas dateng kesini buat ngeteh sore, ternyata mereka punya promo churros. Pas mau pesen itu tenyata abis (dan sedih) karena murah paketannya churros plus minum. Lumayan kan kalo sore2, jdnya pesen kopi aja dsini. Tempatnya agak panas dan agak kurang nyaman bagi yg ga ngerokok. Seruan sih dateng malem, dan kalo mau foto2 dsini dindingnya bagus hehehe.

  • 14pierred


    cocok buat ngeth sore sore, atau ngopi dan churrosnya enak banget disni, tempatnya nyaman dan cocok buat dipakai foto bareng pacar, atau ajak temen ngerumpi

  • f44444444f


    Suka sekalek sama Korean Chicken Wings dan Korean Burrito Bowl-nya. Major downside-nya adalah pelayanannya seringkali lambret. Sebenernya tempatnya enak buat kerja (krn internet lumayan, makanan jg ada, kopinya pun menghibur), tapi lagunya suka berisik dan susah bgt klo minta tolong dikecilin dikit. But over all, oke laaah...

  • meifirai


    Not a bad place to hang out, quite strategic place to meet up. But nothing's special with the food nor coffee. When I was there, the electricity down several times. The waiter opened the door so we can get some air.

  • noviasandiapriyani


    Tempatnya cukup instagramable tapi terlalu remang-remang.Makanannya biasa saja.Home made creamy tomato basil soup nya terlalu asin sampai tidak bisa dihabiskan.Quesadilla chicken rasanya biasa saja, nothing special.Chipotle glazed herb chicken nya kaya aka bumbu.Manly monster burger nya not too monster size. Tapi dagingnya enak dan crispy.Overall this restaurant offers nothing so special.

  • Arditorescue


    Tempatnya nyaman dan strategis, makanya suka jadi meeting point sama temen-temen. Nachosnya enak walaupun agak sedikit pricey, churrosnya juga enak.

  • Stephanie B


    Small restaurant my first time, nice place for an afternoon chat with your friends... Nice interior with direct sunlight... Service so so, food not tasted yet worth for another try :)

  • ChristianImbang


    I went here on friday night around 8 or 9. There were so many empty tables, wondered why. The food was okay. I ordered kimchi spaghetti and chicken waffle. The spaghetti came up with tiny fried quail egg which was sooooo cute 😂 Too bad they're ran out of beer and some menus. The staffs were not friendly too :( But the playlist here is awesome!

  • kelapang


    Mojo adalah salah satu tempat yg comfy menurut gue di daerah senopati, walaupun dengan space yg tidak terlalu luas. Kesini biasanya hanya untuk nongkrong sekedar ngobrol bareng temen-temen, suasananya enak, begitupun juga dgn minuman dan camilan nya i love their avocado coffee and mojo bites platter.

Lokasi Mojo Kitchen & Bar

Mojo Kitchen & Bar terletak di Jl. Kertanegara No. 70, Senopati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Amerika di dekat Senopati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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