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Hi websites. It was a lazy Sunday morning. Yes, apparently every Sunday has become a lazy day for me since being single (it's a sad story indeed).But that Sunday was no lazy time for me since my fellow website asked me to join in a foodtasting event at MazelTov.Located at Puri Indah Mall Extension, the outer look gave an impression of a cafe somewhere in Europe, with classic design and furnitures. The indoor dining area gave a more relaxing, soothing and comfortable feeling with its dimmed lights, bricked walls, and wooden furnitures. The wine rack gave an aesthetic touch, making you feel like you're in a wine cellar somewhere in France. A good touch with the interior and certainly beautiful.MazelTov's Meat Pizza - IDR 65++"Beef salami, smoked beef, spicy beef, beef sausage, mozarella with homemade BBQ sauce."A medium size pizza was served. Somehow I like this kind of pizza, with not-so-abundant toppings but still pretty generous enough. I also happen to like thin-crusted pizza and quite joyful that not only this pizza came as I expected but the crunchiness of the crust was so nice.The all beef toppings were delicious. And I really liked the taste of the homemade BBQ sauce too.Chicken Quesadilla - IDR 70++"Flour tortilla filled with glazed BBQ Chicken, mozarella cheese and served with tomato salsa and basic cream sauce."Some of my fellow websites thought this dish was just so-so but I have to disagree. I think the flavor profile was quite excellent. The chicken filling itself was quite delicious, although the mozarella was slightly untraceable. One thing I would suggest is that they should make the tortilla a bit more crispy to add a little texture to the dish.Sirloin Over Rice - IDR 71++"Fragrant butter rice with mushroom, red and green pepper, onion, sliced Australian sirloin topped with blackpepper cream sauce."This dish was DA BOMB! It's everyone's favourite that day. The butter rice was so delicious. It's moist, very fragrant, and savory. I loved the sirloin too. It's cooked to perfection, and the blackpepper cream sauce was very tasty. Too bad the portion, in my consideration, was a bit too small. But it's very delicious and I highly recommend you to try.MazelTov's Steak - IDR 300++"Premium quality of 400 grams beef served with salad, a choice of one side dish (fries, mashed potato, rosemary potato or gratin potato) and two choices of MazelTov's special sauce."A large, thick cut of steak was the last food served to us that day. Looking at that big slice of beef really had gotten us drooling. Cooked medium well, it's so juicy and tender. We spent a lot of time taking photos til the steak apparently cooled down and had to go to the oven to be re-heated. So we didn't get the chance to try this steak at its maximum juiciness. Perhaps next we will eat it immediately.Dark Angel - IDR 45++"Black autumn grape, orange wedges, orange wine, cranberry juice, blackberry jam, grenadine syrup and soda."This one was my friend's drink. Looking at it visually, it's so beautiful with its purple-ish color and chunks of grape inside. According to my friend, it tasted nice and so fresh. Why don't you try it for yourself and let me know then.Fantastic Emotion - IDR 45++"Pineapple chunk, lemongrass, lychee syrup, pineapple juice, orange juice, lemon wedges and mint leaf."This one was mine. I have to say I absolutely liking it. It has a lot of flavors combination but still the outcome was so refreshing. The pineapple chunks in my opinion was just too many since I'm craving for more of the juice than the chunks. But still I really liked it. The mint leaf really gave a boost of freshness to the drink.Overall conclusion, this cafe could be a nice option if you're looking for a place to hang out with friends. The food is good, but what won my heart was the comfy ambiance. Yet I should not forget about the taste of that Sirloin Over Rice that won my heart too.In a nutshell, thank you MazelTov for inviting me and my friends. Thank you for the hospitality. I wish you the best of luck ahead.Keep on chewing!Jazzy Dee
Alia W
Crispy dori nya super good!!! Nagih banget...definitely bakal ke sana lagi!! tempatnya juga enak untuk chill bareng temen2.. trus pas kemarin gw dateng lagi ada promo menu set lunch nya.. semua makanan indo, ada nasi ayam cabe ijo, nasi ayam bali, soto betawi sama nasi goreng kampung, set nya uda dapet ice tea.. harganya menurut gw affordable banget, 45rban gtu.. kemarin gw n temen sempet nyopain nasi goreng kampungnya n ayam cabe ijo nya! dua2nya enak.. nasgor kampungnya dapet ayam goreng n sate ayam trus nasi ayam ijo nya mantep bgt mnrt gw, pedesnya pas berasa dpt tahu tempe jg..overall very much worth it karena cuma 45rban dpt ice tea lgi. hehehe
This restaurant has great food and drinks! It also has decent decorations and great for hang outs. Been here with my friends and tried their Indonesian menu: Nasi Goreng Kampung, their fries, fettuccine carbonara, and lemon tea.The food was tasty. The fries was a great appetizer. the lemon tea also yummy. It's different from other restaurants. It has a lemon sorbet to top this drink. Definitely going back for more.
Verina K
Good food, good beers, good music. but for the non smokers like me is quite annoying when a lot of people smokes indoors. i tried the chicken cordon blue, is not like any cordon blue i have tried , they cut the chicken into pieces and pour the melted cheese.
Dwi Putra K
Been here for a few times. Really love their Sirloin over rice with blackpepper cream sauce, for spicy lover.. you must ask to make it very spicy, you will love it even more!
This restaurant has a good atmosphere for hangout with friends.. I just recomended for the drinks its really good.. But for the food just average for me..
Mazel Tov is a great place to have a romantic moment with your loved ones or just chilling with your friends. It was beautifully decorated. I always fall in love with a place with classic furniture and lounge music. I ordered Strawberry Oat Blended and it tasted soooo great and fresh! For the dish, i was having chopped grilled chicken (i forgot the name) and the taste is good enough. Plan another visit here next time!
One of my favourite place to hang out in Jakarta Barat area. Foods are great, affordable price and comfy atmosphere. Lots of wine selection and the alcohol beverages also. My TOP selection of food are Aglio Olio, Maui Zaui Pizza, Meet Over Fries and the Burger. Definitely will come back again :)
Currently had a brunch here. Unfortunately I only take a picture of the pan fried salmon. The pan fried salmon has an interesting presentation but the taste is just so so. And the sirloin is too chewy to be sliced. The star of the brunch is the garlic bread, rich seasonings, and the texture is perfect. The garlic bread is worth to come back for!But the service unfortunately is taking too long. We have to wait for approximately half an hour for the appetizer only.
Small but cozy place until the smokers come. They don't have non smoking area. Guests could smoke indoor or outdoor. A big no for people who hate smokes. But they have tasty burger with juicy patty. Too bad their pizza dough is not thin nor crispy. Odd texture with thinly spread toppings.
Mazeltov terletak di Puri Indah Mall Expansion, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Barat di dekat Puri Indah Mall Expansion, Puri Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Restoran All You Can Eat (AYCE) di Jakarta dengan Harga Di Bawah Rp 99000
Suka makan enak dengan porsi besar? Mungkin Anda bisa mencoba makan sama sekali anda bisa makan restoran yang menawarkan konsep all-you-can-eat tanpa harus khawatir dengan harganya. Mulai dari appetizer hingga dessert, anda bisa mencicipinya hingga puas dengan waktu yang terbatas. Dan restoran ini memiliki kisaran harga yang bervariasi dan biasanya mulai dari 100 ribu. Ingin makan semua yang anda bisa dengan teman-teman di sebuah restoran yang tidak membuat kantong? Tenang, ini restoran all you can eat murah di bawah 200 ribu yang direkomendasikan Yummyadvisor.
10 Restoran Korea Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Kafe Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Restoran Indonesia Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Restoran Seafood Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Restoran Terbaik di Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta
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10 Restoran Steak Terdekat di Jakarta
Steak adalah makanan yang mewah dan selain danging nya yang lezat steak di lengkapi degan saus coklat yang sangat enak. Tidak sulit untuk menemukan restoran steak terdekat di Jakarta Timur seperti Cibubur Junction, Mall Cipinang Indah, dan lain-lain. Itu adalah beberapa mall yang di rekomendasi untuk mencari restoran steak enak di Jakarta Timur. Selain itu beberapa restoran steak di Jakarta Timur seringkali dijadikan pilihan untuk tempat untuk bersantai atau tempat nongkrong bersama teman. Pasti nya Anda sering menemukan steak terdekat dari tempat Anda yang ramai dengan penggunjung nya.
10 Restoran Pizza Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Restoran Jepang Terbaik di Jakarta
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10 Bar Terbaik di Jakarta
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Rumah Neng Tia, Puri Indah
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