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34 Ulasan



Rp 75.000 / Orang

Kebon Jeruk

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Review Goedkoop


34 Ulasan

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  • 402ta


    First time to try this place. Ordered aglio olio. I know it’s usually plain kind of pasta but this feels more than the usual plain and also dry. A bit spicy and with cheddar cheese as well. Price is relatively cheap. Don’t really know what’s the best seller here but maybe another visit will do to try their steak.

  • Erikishere


    For anyone who needs a secluded cozy place (basically being in solitude), goedkoop is what you're looking for.Small, comfy, no particular noise. Perfect place to work on your laptop. Not sure about the music since I chose to listen to songs on my laptop.Ordered:- Toastje van Emma with Sweet Condensed Milk (4/5): the sweet condensed milk wasn't spread evenly so the edge was plain- Tea (5/5): refill, using Twining tea- Oven Crusted Gouda Mac n Cheese (4/5): imho it's lack of cheeseService: 5/5Cleanliness: 5/5Will I go back here? If I'm looking for secluded place, no doubt.

  • YudhoY3


    Humble dutch type place for a simple cozy getaway. Food and drinks were pretty good with reasonable price. Only 2-3 tables were occupied at the time so it was nice and silent most time. The place can be accessed from inside ranch through the drugstore or from a small path outside at the right side of the cafe.Poffertjes Butter Sugar (25k) - tasty and warmHot Chocolademelk (29k) - rich and yummy, a tad sweetAll prices subject to service and tax charge.

  • Onjip


    lagi lagi baru sempet ngereview disini, waktu kesini rame bgt sama orang kantoran secara lokasinya memang dikelilingi gedung kantoran, kalo kesini namanya warung kopi belanda ga afdol kalo ga pesen pofferjtesnya yg biar berasa lidah belanda banget 😝 dipaduin sama hazelnut latte mantap sih. 😋

  • Rifan


    Kedai kopi ini letaknya cukup strategis di samping Foodhall Kebon Jeruk yang posisinya persis di jalan pinggir tol. Tempatnya juga keliatan cozy meskipun most of it is being surrounded by glass. Dan bener kok, pas ke sana tempatnya nyaman buat duduk lama2 compared with Tr*latte back then, ya walaupun emang waktu itu udah agak sore sih.The waiter and waitress were able to explain whats on their menu well, so yes its a plus. Pelayanannya juga oke lah meskipun walau anter kopi ke meja mereka ga kasih tissue. Pesen 2 jenis kopi:- Koffie Verkeerd Basically caffee latte dengan kopi yang terasa cukup strong. Tapi ini enak dan komposisi susunya tetep terasa pas buat tipe2 orang yg selalu minum latte tanpa gula, just like me. Mereka sajikan kepingan kue buat dinikmati bareng kopi ini dan emang cocok sih pas dimakan barengan.- Goedkoop Frappie Beng BengMinta double shot buat menu ini jadi rasa kopinya masih terasa cukup kuat buat ukuran frappucino, tapi tetep enak karena jadi ngga terlalu enek kemanisan pas diminum. Dan sesuai namanya, they really put a half of Bengbeng bar on top (maybe they also blended it together with the coffee because I just wasnt sure and didnt know how to differ the Bengbeng taste with other components that were blended together lol).Ga sempet cobain snacksnya karena lagi ngga mood ngemil, pengen ngopi2 aja. Mungkin next time bakal dateng lagi mengingat rasa kopi mereka yg juga ngga bikin nyesel dateng ke sana.

  • Stevenclon


    Pesan Goedkoop spaghetti, goedkoop burger, sama pofertjes. Enak semua. Rasanya pas.Gk rame, aksesnya agak bingung karena masuknya dari Foodhall.Will definitely come back.

  • ristsaint


    Cobain kopinya doang... Goedkoop latte... Rasa kopi expressonya berasa gak gitu strong tapi pas dengan perpaduan susunya... Next pasti balik lagi untuk coba menu lainnya 😉

  • Dylan T


    They serve good quality coffee with super nice ambiance ! The food is also very nice, and the place... ugh! SO PRETTY! Loving the marble top, clean black and white concept. Great presentation with the food! I will definitely come back for more coffee... and to try the panekuk :)

  • YudhoY3


    Uh, this is easily the worst place I've even eaten in Jakarta. The ambience is great. I love the music and the place itself - relaxing and relatively clean, but by jove, their food is god awful. Their mac and cheese was a complete disaster. Had their salmon and cheese crepe and it was subpar. Never going back. Nope, nope.

  • henisusanti


    gak susah nemuin coffee shop ini karena lokasinya ada di sebelah Food Hall kb jeruk.. tempatnya gak besar, sedikit minimalis dan hampir gak ada interior. pas kesini sepi bgt.. pesen es kopi mocca dan kentang goreng, uniknya kentang goreng disini pake potato wedges dan pesennya sepaket sama mayonaise, waktu itu ditawarin french fries + 3 mayo karena harganya lebih murah (tp emang iya sih lebih murah hehe) dan gak disangka rasanya wow banget, mayonaisenya enak bgt... bakal balik kesini cm buat makan kentang + mayoo ini, recommended. yg nyebelin disini cm wifi nya suka putus nyambung, jd 30 menit sekali harus login ulang. dan klo mau kencing harus ke food hall karena gak ada kamar mandi dalam. oh ya FYI disini semua menunya pk bahasa belanda tp di bawahnya ada terjemahan bahasa inggrisnya.

Lokasi Goedkoop

Goedkoop terletak di Taman Kedoya Permai, Jl. Raya Perjuangan 11, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Kebon Jeruk. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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