Francis Artisan Bakery
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Francis Artisan Bakery


35 Ulasan



Rp 35.000 / Orang

Mall Taman Anggrek, Tanjung Duren

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Review Francis Artisan Bakery


35 Ulasan

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  • hansonh2017


    Pas pertama kali Francis buka disini langsung ketagihan begitu cobain tester rotinya! Mumpung lihat antriannya lagi sepi jadi langsung ngantri buat beli beberapa rotinya. Disini saya beli :  -raspberry cheese : perna sekali beli dan langsung suka! Pas banget ini sisa tgl 1 langsung aj deh saya ambil. As usual, begitu dipotong tengahnya kejunya padat, tapi makin ke pinggir kanan kiri kejunya mulai hilang. Pas digigit terasa wangi dan rasa jeruknya, dan ad rasa pahit dr chocochip, jadi ga bosan. Favorit banget pokoknya yang ini.- choco bun : ga perna beli best sellernya francis, jadi ini prtama kalinya cobain. Coklatnya pekat dan bgn dalamnya lumer banget. Kata masnya kalo mau lebih lumer rotinya bs dimicrowave sbtr. Memang pekat sih coklatnya, tp saya sih biasa aj krn memang bukan penggemar roti coklat hehe.Overall beli roti di Francis ini ga perna kecewa, roti gede dan harga pun murah, mantap!

  • nilamn0711


    SUKA BANGET sama rotinya mereka...Pas pertama tau ada francis di TA, bahagianya... karena dekat sama rumahPaling suka chocolate bun, tp sebenernya semua roti mereka gua suka... hahahaTekstur rotinya enak, dan pilihan rasanya itu berbeda dr toko-toko roti lainnya yg ada di mall... plus di tokonya ada tester lagi 😂 😂

  • combat66


    Pas lagi jalan di TA dan ngelewatin sih Francis ini. Mata langsung tertuju ke Love Berry.Love Berry ini varian bread khusus valentine jadi hanya tersedia selama bulan Februari saja.Bentuk rotinya seperti love dan besar. Dibanderol 49k per buah. Tapi worth it karena ukurannya yang besar dan sesuai namanya, berriesnya melimpah. Isinya ada strawberry, cherry, cranberry, chocolate chips dan pistachio. Rotinya empuk dan berriesnya terasa sekali. Worth it banget.

  • mopieq


    Got them as gifts, who could complain when you got these delicious huge breads for free? Tried some flavors ive not tasted before like the chocolate-cheddar and snowy milk. Like most Francis' product they were delicious

  • Silvie88


    The best wheat bread ever. Segitu doyannya sampe tiap sarapan pasti ada ini. U shud try the sakura mochi and turkey cheese (lupa namanya).Intinya the best.

  • Maiabac


    Ke TA tujuan nya cuma ke minisoDan ngga taunya francis bersebelahan sama minisoKarna memang penasaran pengen cobain rotinyaHabis mampir ke miniso, saya dan teman saya menuju ke francis...untuk ukuran rotinya cukup besarTiap roti ada testernya jd bs kita cobain satu2Rotinya enak, apalagi yg chocochip&walnut Pelayanannya ramah dan cepat 👍

  • Uneques


    bakery satu ini memiliki rasa yang berbeda gue suka beli roti dan cookiesnya malah baru nyoba rasanya enak juga. roti ny itu ada yang kyk donut goreng tp minyakny kering gitu jd sehat kan. ada yg panjang tipis gitu itu juga enak. walaupun tokonya tidak terlalu besar tetapi patut dicoba kok.

  • Dhoembul


    uda sering cobain roti dr francis artisan bakery, baik yg di taman anggrek maupun yg di baywalk mall. karena pas saya beli di sini belanja byk, jd saya dpt totebag jg. paling sering beli roti yg choco bun, chocolatenya byk dan isiny cukup byk. utk harga emg beberapa jenis roti cukup mahal. kita jg bs mencicipi beberapa jenis roti sblm beli

  • Trevorkmcc2020


    Definitely my favorite bakery in Jakarta. The breads have excellent textures. They also have a load of different options. I also like how their breads have less butter and sugar, making it a little bit more healthy. Love how they provide testers, I think that this outlet has the most variety for the testers, the GI one not so much, do hope that they can provide as many testers in GI as the wide selection can be confusing sometimes! The price is reasonable as the sizes of their breads are quiet big. Some of my faves are:Kohi MoccaThis one is simply divine. The texture of the bread is slightly chewy, it is packed with generous amount of walnut and choco chip. I love the mocha flavour which balances out the sweetness of the bread really nicely. Oh and the melted chocolate inside is just the best.Choco BunSuper chocolaty and rich! The melted chocolate is just super good. This one is surprisingly not that sickly sweet, I can definitely go for more than 1!Yakult LonganThis is one of the least sinful ones in my opinion. My favorite thing about this one is the texture, nice and chewy! the walnut adds a nice flavour as well as crunch, the longan also enhances the bread really well as it is sweet to begin with.Chocochips and WalnutThis one is not as chewy as yakult longan, but still has a nice chew to it. They are super generous with the walnut too! this one is not too sweet.Choco BananaLove the combination of chocolate, cheese, and banana! The flavour is well-balanced, I love how they add cheese chunks to add some savouriness to cut down the sweetness!Choco and Sakura Mochi (I'm sorry I don't remember the name of these ones)If you are looking for a super chewy bread, this one is for you. Both of these are not too sweet, the mochi creates a very unique texture, the sakura one has a strong sesame flavour which I do really like.Highly recommended! Please please open a branch in senayan!

  • Pinkanetarojun


    Kalo kesini beli roti pentung alias baguette... Buat makan soup biasanya.. Berbagai jenis rotinya juga enak.. Karena teksturnya kasar dan serat layaknya roti perancis pada umumnya..

Lokasi Francis Artisan Bakery

  • Bawa Pulang

Francis Artisan Bakery terletak di Mall Taman Anggrek, Lantai Ground, Jl. Tanjung Duren Timur 2, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Mall Taman Anggrek, Tanjung Duren. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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