Fat Bubble
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Fat Bubble


37 Ulasan



Rp 60.000 / Orang

Cilandak Town Square, Fatmawati

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Review Fat Bubble


37 Ulasan

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  • Phoebe C


    Like a bubble tea joint with seats and surprisingly actual meals. Not expensive. Good for casual snack and drink stops, that is, if you like bubble tea type drinks.

  • ericjordan


    Kedua kali nyoba Fat Bubble, dulu pernah coba yg di PIK yg pake bubble nya yg di mangkok gitu dessertsnya. Sekarang coba go**k Wintermelon Tea polos aja simple tapi ENAK BGT rasanya kayak caramel popcorn xxi padahal teh buah kundur. Bakal jadi menu andalan sih😍

  • nazd63


    Ini fluffy ice vanilla, rasanya enak mirip mirip sama es dung dung. Recomended buat di makan rame rame, karena porsi nya lumayan besarr. Untuk toping kmrn aku pilih mochi, sama matcha jelly, tapi matchanya kurang berasa huhu. Over all enak sihh 💃

  • Minati M


    The place is too small actually. Apalagi lokasinya di citos yang notabene nya banyak orang visit terutama di hari2 libur. Jadi kaya rame, dan waiting list gitu karena tempatnya kekecilan. Untuk rasa, almost the same with other fat bubble restaurant. Enak. Cuma seafood platternya ga sesuai sama difoto. He:) but overall, good.

  • Alp Eksi


    Waktu itu nyobain minuman temen dan suka sama rasa bubble nya yang beda dari minuman bubble tea lain. Bubble nya lebih kecil gitu dan lebih kenyal. Abis itu akhirnya aku beli milk tea pake palm sugar kalo ngga salah, pokoknya pake sirup gula merah gitu dan enak banget😍 sayang aja fat bubble cabangnya cuma sedikit

  • mayasari_okta


    This joint placed between Imperial Kitchen and Breadtalk with greeny and cute decor. However this Citos branch is more quiet than other branch of Fat Bubble which usually always crowded and loud. And that's a good thing for me.Tried their pasta basil festo (sic) i think they should change the spelling into pesto.. Not a real one, lack the original italian taste, sure, but understandable since they aren't Italian restaurant in the first place.Also tried melon milk tea and bubble caramel machiato, they both taste nice. I love their bubble especially, not too mushy but soft and chewy.Cons :- Cheap plastic cutleries- Only 2 seatings for smokers outside. Well better than none i guess😀Overall it's a good place to sit around in Citos. Price relatively cheap too. Will be back to try other menu.

  • CatarinaN195


    Bukan pengalaman pertama jg mampir d Fat Bubble tp pengalaman pertama d Fat Bubble Citos n its the worst one, I guess. Saya datang dgn suami dan anak2 saya dan kami datang sekitar jam 10pm dan menemukan bbrp ketidaknyamanan sbb :1. Staffnya kurang alert dgn tamu yg datang, no greeting, kami bertanya apa masih buka hanya dijawab dgn anggukan kepala dr blkng krn mereka lg sibuk ngobrol grouping d blkng.2. Kami mau memesan Pizza lsg bilang habis tp pada saat kami bilang tidak jadi lsg mau ditanyakan dl k kitchen (jd sbnrnya habis atau tidak mau baking karena sdh malam???)3. Kami memesan : Hot Milo Latte dan Ice Cream Cafe.Penampilan Milo Latte sih oke tp rasanya ga bgt krn mgkin trlalu banyak susu jd tidak ada rasa Milonya.Sblm Ice Cream Cafe yg saya pesan datang, mbaknya bertanya apakah ice creamnya mau diganti dgn Chocolate atau Matcha, saya blng tidak mau....ganti saja dgn Signature Cafe...stlh tak lama menunggu, datanglah Ice Cream Cafe spt orderan awal saya dgn alasan : masih cukup es krimnya (hadeuuuhhhh bingung lagi saya, jd tawaran td utk apa yaa??)4. Pada saat minta bill, bill hanya ditaruh d meja dan disebut nominalnya lalu ditinggal pergi.... pada saat diberikan uang kembalian pun tidak ada terimakasih atau thank u atau apapun itu.Saya juga pernah bekerja di bidang F&B dan ini adalah bnr2 the worst service ever, jangan sampai oleh karena karyawan yg tidak mengerti apa itu service, Fat Bubble yg punya banyak pilihan dessert jd ditinggalkan customernya dan mengakibatkan menurunnya revenue perusahaan.Saran saya utk Management Fat Bubble, coba deh dibikin program Mystery Guest di jam2 random apalagi di jam2 sepi sblm tutup, agar bisa ditingkatkan lagi servicenya.Thanks.

  • bundaretha


    Compared to their franchise in Tebet, I much much prefer this one in Citos because it's more quite, service way better. I just really like the ambience. The decorations are nice too, I like the wall. The deserts were good just like in Tebet.

  • indahhandayani


    Passed by this place and decided to come in and try their mango based dessert. I discovered that their price point is real good! IDR 49K for fresh juicy thick cut mangoes with a bunch of toppings which surprisingly complementing the fresh mangoes really well. Tried a bunch of different teas too (price ranges from IDR 18K-22K a glass with Regular or Large sizes) and loving the Roasted Oolong Tea (sugar levels are customizable). Highly recommended for those who likes a robust smoky flavor on your tea, I’d take it without sugar or just a tad bit, but for some the intense flavor might have a trace of slight bitterness (which I truly love in a tea but not for everyone).The staffs are nice but lacks focus during processing my order and only one staff was actually able to assist me in finding the right dessert for me. It could be quite confusing for new customers as they have so many varieties that all looks good!Earlier today I ordered the B1 (from the Brown Sugar Series) and Wintermelon Tea (inspired by the previous reviewer who was happy with the taste) and using the online delivery services. The Wintermelon Tea wasn’t avail so I go with the Roasted Oolong. When confirming my order over the phone I asked them to separate the mochi topping to avoid it sticking into a big lump during delivery. Apparently they also separated the vanilla ice cream (which I wasn’t quite concerned about if it would’ve been put inside altogether). Good SOP tho. The mochi itself was put in a separate container but not sealed completely. I’m just glad mochis are dry ingredients! However I was so disappointed to have found my B1 dessert didn’t have the Fat Q Balls and instead they put in Nata de Cocos without informing me :(( did they ran out of it? Or there has been a mix up? If they didn’t say anything during order confirmation over the phone then high likely it’s the latter. Overall flavor was great, when all put together the color may not look appetizing but taste and texture blends pretty well, they nailed this brown sugar series! Personally I’d lose the mochis next time. The mochis aren’t bad in texture but contains a fruity flavor that doesn’t really go well with the brown sugar’s scent & taste. Definitely coming back for more! Peace out foodies, catch you on my other reviews.

  • cvairmas s


    Aku pesen dessert varian mangga nya, dan bener-bener parah sih, mangganya asem beneran asem bgt, dan icenya juga kurang ngeblend gt rasanya.Tapi untuk minumannya yang lainnya sih oke-oke standart aja.Dan untuk pelayanannya overall, not good.

Lokasi Fat Bubble

Fat Bubble terletak di Cilandak Town Square, Lantai Ground, Jl. TB. Simatupang, Fatmawati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Cilandak Town Square, Fatmawati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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