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Freakin' delicious!
Dea O
I love this place.I was quite surprised the first time I came here, the place was cozy and homey with an antique feel. The place was filled with pictures and trinkets and a lot of other stuff that made the place feel lovely. The lighting was dim and intimate, it was a nice place to chill and hangout for hours.We had the tomato pizza (I think, but it was some kind of pizza), the dough was chewy and was really really nice, except for the fact that I was bloated from lunch and that I hate tomatoes, I certainly would love to have some more. We ordered the chocolate lava cake and souffle for taste and it was really nice. The lava cake was a success, melted nicely and they decorated the plate elegantly as well. The souffle was quite a success? It was nice for the first 5 minutes then it flopped. The taste was still nice though, so I wouldn't really complain, they tried.Had milkshake and it was just milkshake. The waiter was extremely nice but a bit timid at times, as if he's scared of doing something wrong, he was really nice though.Yeah, well.
As this was a French restaurant, I expected the interior to have French touch. However, what was in front of my eyes was 180-degree different. The design, the ambience, and even the scent were all so Indonesian! Filled in with some big sofas at every corner, the spacious venue looked like a very huge and cozy living room. Decorated by dim lighting and lots of candles, this restaurant perfectly created the luxurious yet romantic setting. Actually, the owner who was also the chef, Ms. Sandra Djohan, indeed wanted to blend Indonesian and French concept in Epilogue. So the menu were all French food merged with Indonesian flavor.Unfortunately, I didn't try much of their full courses as I had had my dinner at other place at that time.One of my friends ordered their Gambas Au Beurre D’escargot (IDR 130k), spicy aglio spaghetti, mixed with large grilled prawn and escargot, and topped with chopped Parsley. For you who love spicy dish, this one might be a great reference for you. The spaghetti was cooked al dente and you would definitely be able to find the savoury taste from the garlic butter as well as the spicy taste from the chili. The fresh prawn and escargot have turned this dish into a plate of perfection.Great news for dessert enthusiasts, my friends and I tried some of their desserts. First was Chocolate Nutella Crepes with Vanillla Ice Cream (IDR 45k). It was very simple and indeed quite pricey. However, the generously-given Nutella filling and the perfectly-cooked thin crepes have made this dish becoming quite satisfying. Next was Death by Chocolate Mousse (IDR 45k). Although the size was quite tiny, I still loved the presentation. According to my friend, the texture was so delicate and the chocolate taste was great! So, for you who preferred light dessert to end the dinner, this might be the right choice for you. Lastly, the most favorite desserts from Epilogue, Melted Chocolate Lava Cake (IDR 40k). No wonder it became the actor of this restaurant. The cake was so moist and the sweetness level of the melted chocolate was perfect! All I could wish after eating this cake was just having more of it without getting the calories.For beverages, my friend had Lychee Beer (IDR 60k). According to her who was a flavored-beer lover, this could be a reason to go back to Epilogue! The portion was satisfying and the lychee topping was abundantly given. The refreshing taste perfectly matched with the beer. Another one we tried was Peach Smoothies (IDR 38). Not much thing can be said about this one. Basically, it was simply refreshing, yet suitable for those who prefer the one that’s good for health.Overall, I recommended this place for you who looked for a quite private and romantic place with unique choices of foods and beverages.
Really Love the decoration.. Warm and cozy.. The music and lighting was so romantic.. We ordered the epilogue hamburger and it taste good.Definitely will come again.
Untuk restoran yang satu ini kebetulan gw kenal baik dengan pemilik sekaligus Chef-nya yaitu Sandra Djohan. So, selain pernah makan di restoran ini gw juga pernah nyobain masakan-masakan lain yang dia buat. And I have to admit that I'm a huge fans of the foods that she cooked!!!Epilogue sendiri restorannya punya nuansa yang homey dan romantic. Sebagai restoran authentic french, arsitektur resto-nya lebih tampak sangat Jawa dengan bentuk Joglo dan banyaknya ukiran tradisional disini. Namun sentuhan French tetap muncul disini, yaitu dari poster poster serta gaya sofa yang french-bistro banget.Makanan yang kudu wajib banget dicoba disini adalah Epilogue Burger. Dagingnya yang sebesar 200gr itu luar biasa enak dan bikin puas banget. Tapi yang lebih bikin mantep adalah french fries-nya yang very crisp! Untuk pasta, yang rekomen adalah Burgundy Cream Escargot with Spaghetti. Escargotnya sendiri aja udah enak banget dengan rasa garlic dan butter yang sangat prominent.
Great food and. Cozy place.I found this place by accident. We never though we found a frech restaurant in this place. You should try aglio olio sambal roa.
Diana L
Tempatnya nyaman buat kumpul-kumpulhomie bgt.kaya di kerajaan jawa Makanan prancisnya enak sm porsinya ngenyangin Minumannya juga seger dan pas
Ok to try:1. Mushroom capuccino soup2. Pasta sambal matah3. Bake pasta (i forgot the name)Disappointing:1. SteakCleanness: 2/5 (5 = good)
I was a little bit confused when I first came to the place as I expected a traditional Indonesian restaurant, but turned out they serve French cuisines. The wooden interior took my breath away, however the food didn't quite meet my expectation. I tried their roa spaghetti and I couldn't finish it because it was waayyyy too spicy. Also tried the escargots and it tasted pretty good, but not special. A lil bit pricey as well. For you who want a quiet, romantic place to snuggle with your loved one, this place offers a serenity that you might looking for. Don't expect too much about the food though.
Love the place. The food was not a match with the decoration, because it's so Indonesian but it taste just fine. Quite expensive. But it's a nice place for dinner.
Ep.i.logue terletak di Jl. Cipete Raya No. 18-19, Fatmawati, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Perancis di dekat Fatmawati. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Restoran Chinese Food Terbaik di Jakarta
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