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Rp 75.000 / Orang


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Review Bellycious


39 Ulasan

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  • Tri M


    Hips banget ni tempat, rame parkirannya membludak. So, akhirnya gue nyoba, masuk2 ada suara musik yg super kenceng, lagu2 rnb, ada meja bar ditengah (so ini bukan Resto, i think Belly means something to eat), tp ada makanan-nya sih cm ga banyak. Finger foods-nya jg ga banyak macem, harga, agak mahal utk makanan2 yg sbnrnya biasa (nama menu-nya).Gue order :Greentea mango (salah satu speciality)Salted egg fried riceChicken kungpao (yg namanya chick-chick something)Awalnya ga kebayang sih rasanya greentea mango. Greentea sm mango gimana ceritanya coba. Tapiiii, ternyata enak bangettttttt, ga manis dan ga pahit, rasanya ngeblend antara greentea dan mango, gue ga bs nyeritain rasanya kaya apa, but u have to try it!Salted egg fried rice. Namanya fried rice, musinya ada telor ceplok (identiknya) ya ga sih? Rasanya ga spt nasi goreng biasa krn pake salted egg, udang n ada lapchiongnya (+- 5pcs) di tengah2 nasi. (Anyway buat yg ga tau, lapchiong itu sosis babi - so, non halal ya). Awal makan enak tp abis itu rasanya bland - biasa gitu, rasanya bener2 light. Saran gue sih, dibikin sedikit lebih berasa n lapchiongnya digoreng garing (pasi lebih enak)Chicken kungpao. Enak bumbu-nya however anoying bgt makan chicken kungpao ini, soalnya smuanya bertulang. Hellow, gue lg enak2 makan trus jadi musi pisahin tulang -_-. Tolong management, diganti pake dada ayam fillet aja gitu lho.Tempatnya lebih ke buat nongkrong drpd buat makan ya dan yg gue ga suka dr disini, smoking n non-smokingnya di satu ruangan (kalo gitu apa bedanya??) Baiknya sih dipisahin ya, jadi yg non-smoking jg nyaman tp mkg krn emank konsepnya tempat nongkrong plus bar jd ga bs kaya gt mkg ya

  • Trek68133030376


    Super affordable. Makanan lumayan enak. Indomie sambel matahnya enak tp lebih enak lagi kalo ditambahin sambelnya, jadi minta extra aja. Untuk menu namanya "kenyel kenyel" itu cireng, ada original, pedas, sama telur asin. Yang gw pesen yang pedes. Sambelnya ENAK BANGET, tapi cirengnya terlalu crispy karena dipotong kecil dan gorengnya kayanya lama. Jadi kalau mau lembut, request aja. Saking enaknya sambelnya mesen 2 kali, yang pertama keras, yang kedua minta digoreng lembut, beneran jd lembut dan SUPER ENAK 👍🏻

  • lithajalanjalan


    Besides the smoke that is overflowing like Beijing pollution, is a great place to be on the weekends.They got live music starting 21:00 above, and you can request anytime, above the place is an internet cafe, so they open up until like 4am..Thus far, they got a complete beer list, ranging from local beer bintang, to unknown origin of German beers. Finger food was decent, they got "Cireng" telor asin, which is my favourite, and their crazy fried rice was good, though if you don't like sweet I suggest to lay off the sweet sauce a bit.. oh.. and they're spicy as hell if you ask for spicy.Overall, the place is a legit bar/quick dinner spot, located across baywalk ball. Pre-warning, parking is terrible, is always overpacked cause of the internet cafe, cars are everywhere.. but, the "parking guy" will help you find a spot.

  • Philip G


    went there with my partner in crimewe ate some kind of cireng, and its delicious! its also quite spicyy.. but not too spicy, to nnot enjoy the flavor of the cirengwe ordered macchiato and vanilla lattemy macchiato was super tiny.. and isnt sweet at all, but its quite good (not really good until u want to come back, cause the price isnt worth it).. the vanilla latte was sweet compared to the macchiato drink, it was okayyy though..they have a good standard art-latte for the presentationoverall, i think is a good cafe, but the price isnt worth the value.btw, the ambiance of the cafe is good, there are so many exciting spots :D

  • sirhm


    Good place to chill out with your friends, so much variety of drinks and they also have awesome promos. Try their food and it was good. They need to do something about their parking space because mixed up with upstairs' customers.

  • novitas431


    Its too noisy. Live music soundnya terlalu kenceng, ga bisa buat ngobrol, hrsnya tmptnya cozy tp gr2 sound system dan live musicnya ga pas sama luas tempatnya jd ga cozy sm skali. Makanan standard rasanya, porsi kecil, harga overpriced, harga minuman jg overpriced, service ok.

  • dikapratamax


    Bought the voucher from Groupon. Actually I love cireng or kenyel kenyel salted egg in here, so when I found the voucher, I buy immediately 😙 My man order best seller Bellycious Crazy Fried, but is too pale when that food served and very different from the menu, why? Because he doesn't like spicy food, so he request to removed all advice when you order this, you must add chili, because its not yummy and tasteless without chili.Then I order Fried Noodle Negeri Ziran. This food is so delicious..salty and the taste is good.I also order chicken skin, but I think you can skip this food..the taste is very ordinary and too crispy for me.. Sometimes I can't feel the skin..hahaAnd...last is Kenyel Kenyel Salted Egg, the reason why I'm here...! I order 2..because I want to eat full of pan..but well, I'm a little bit dissapointd, because they cook the cireng is too too hard for me to chew the tired.. My advice, you must request for this Kenyel..not cook too long..I hope they can served better when I come back again..

  • Hennyreinhardt


    Bellycious lokasinya berada di kawasan muara karang masih sekitaran tempat tinggal saya..Kebetulan hari ini ajak anak2 kesini sehabis plg sekolah.Sebenernya si karena sering lewat dan parkiran selalu penuh. Jadi bikin penasaran utk cobain makan dsini.Saya order:•Iced Mocca Coffee - utk rasa kopinya sendiri buat saya kurang strong. Lebih dominan rasa susu nya.•kukuruyuk Crunchy - ayam goreng kering dan di potong kecil2. Oke lah utk cemilan anak2•kenyel2 salted egg - ini cireng yg di goreng lalu di balut dengan telur asin. Unik jg sih. Untuk tempatnya sendiri kurang begitu cocok utk makan ajak anak kecil. Karena begitu saya minta baby chair tdk tersedia. Lebih cocok utk nongkrong dan foto2 cantik Soal harga ya masih tergolong standard lah..Dan soal rasa cukup oke

  • Andreas N


    Came here on friday night which is my first time been there and probably my last time too...I'm expecting a cozy place to drink & chill with friends, but what I got is a bad first impression. Our mistake was ordered shisha on the first place. But then when I was looking for smirnoff, the waitress said that it was out of stock. Then, I was trying to change with flavour soju, also out of stock. My friends were looking for another kind of beers, also out of stock. We were all so disappointed with the waitress' service because when she said that most of our drinks were sold out, her expression wasn't sorry but impolite. Then we decided to cancel all the order because we want to move. ( Cause most of our drinks were not available ) But then, the waitress said that the shisha was already on progress to serve so we cannot move and we cannot cancel the order. After waited for quite long time, the shisha wasnt ready yet. So we called another waitress to ask and she said that they just started to prepare it. Like wth??!If you were coming to this place, you better call them and ask them about their drinks stock. Before you came and being disappointed because your drinks are not there ;)

  • peha1201


    Suka banget disini. Kalo malam ada live music.. Suasananya nyaman dan oke makananya biasa aja sih Cm tamu yg hadir bole rokok dalam ruangan  Bagi yg ga rokok mgkn berasa ga nyaman hrsnya di pisahin yg area smoking dan tidak smoking  Harga ga mahal. Dan sedang. Pelayan di tingkatkan lagi yaa.

Lokasi Bellycious

Bellycious terletak di Jl. Pluit Karang Utara Blok A3 No. 141, Pluit, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Asia di dekat Pluit. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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