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Klaim bisnis iniJl. Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali
Tutup: 11:00 - 14:00,18:00 - 21:30
40 Ulasan
Second favourite place on this website trip! What a beautiful venue. A perfect dining experience, from being seated in the lounge and given time to choose drinks, choose menu (Indonesian or Western, 6 or 8 courses, regular wine matching or premium) and enjoy some amuse bouches, to a double happy birthday song and desserts at the end. Substitutions not an issue, I substituted a tomato based entree for what turned out to be a cauliflower dish, which was divine. This was followed by an exciting and tasty smoky dish. Meat was cooked to perfection. I would definitely love to return on my next trip, and wouldn't consider doing any less than 8 courses!
Nice fine dining in the heart of ubud. Ordered the 6 course menu and it was actually very filling (in a good way).The meals were cooked beautifully and the service was amazing.
Wilson S
I think I take the real nice photos of the courses, but the taste is far more below my expectation. I know why it's just named with Michelin chef but there is no star, there is far way to go for them. Go through all the courses, even with 1600 of 8 courses, the food material they use is cheap, you don't get any really good meat or seafood, I don't think they spend on the food material. The main course and pre main course definitely disappoint me, can't comparing any Michelin 1 star but similar price. The waiter and waitress is nice, the whole experience is fine but saying about food, I won't go back again.
Wonderful mixture of Balinese and International dishes and flavors. Excellent environment for n under star sky dinner, implacable service. Price is high, but reasonable taking into consideration quality of ingredients and overall food. Best in town by far!
good coctails,great service, good experimental menu..we liked the european menu more than the local one.Salmon and pork omg..( amazing ) its not everyones tasta but definitely mine .Enjoy your dinner
Sincerely, they have the best degustation menu in Bali. Every dish would blow your mind away. The dining experience was simply indescribable. First time you enter the restaurant, they will allow you to wait in the lounge area to choose the menu for the night, enjoy the complimentary canape or order any drinks of your choice. Our canape was the choux with truffle and cheese and it was mind blowing. We knew exactly we'd enjoy the rest of the night.And we did. We sat in the open area, garden-like ambience with candle lights everywhere, very romantic indeed. They would put the spices on the table to help with the explanation for every dish. They serve either 6-course or 8-course menu, each with regular and premium wine pairing options. My husband chose the Around the World set menu, where the Chef prepared food with ingredients all across the world with regular wine pairing, while I chose the set menu with Local ingredients. What can I say...really..each food was super memorable. You could tell that they only chose premium ingredients, served in a very unique way, incorporating all different kinds of flavours and sensations you would enjoy each and every bite. My favorite was the quail, that's certainly the best quail I've ever eaten: very juicy on the inside, yet still had that crispiness on the outside. The second best thing was the pre-dessert, which had all these grapes and pistachios over berry sorbet. Very refreshing. The wine pairing was also very notable. Even with the regular wine pairing, we tasted all these lovely wines, can't imagine what they would actually offer for the premium wines.The tenderloin was also among the best, cooked and marinated perfectly, it was one of the juiciest. Around the World menu also offered the nicest dessert, made live by the pastry chef using nitrogen to make the passion fruit ice cream.My only complain was the fact that I think the service could have been better. I had a feeling that the restaurant manager and the pastry chef had the tendencies to be nicer to foreigners than us (Indonesian), because when they talked to us, it was kind of obvious that they did it out of formality (the pastry chef did not even bother to listen to the answer and moved on to other table). I do want to come back for a better service.
Spectacular dining experience at Ubud that serves only set meals of either 6 or 8 courses. You need to book this place in advanced to dine there. The food takes a good twist on Indonesian food.
We had a group of 8, 8 courses, cocktails and wine by the bottle. Every course was a winner, one of the best restaurants in bali without doubt.
I love travelling to new places. The first time in each new place is usually a cause for celebration and there was no better place to celebrate my first time in Bali than at Mozaic Restaurant in Ubud, Bali. A beautiful setting where French gastronomy and Indonesian ingredients meet. Mozaic Restaurant
The experience here was like no other restaurant I have ever visited. From the greeting at the door, to pre drinks and then the food - the whole thing worked smooth and like clockwork. The food itself was remarkable with the set menus offering a seductive introduction to balinese fusion. Bravo
Mozaic terletak di Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali.Ini adalah restoran Indonesia di dekat Ubud. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.
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10 Bar Terbaik di Bandung
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10 Restoran Korea Terbaik di Bandung
Masakan Korea sedang populer akhir-akhir ini. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan menjamurnya restoran korea di seluruh negeri, salah satunya di bandung. Bandung memiliki beberapa restoran yang menyajikan masakan Korea. Anda dapat menikmati berbagai makanan Korea di restoran-restoran ini.
10 Bar Terbaik di Surabaya
Selain kafe dan restoran bar di Surabaya juga saat ini sangat banyak ditemui dan cocok untuk tempat nongkrong. Banyak bar yang memiliki live musik sangat cocok untuk menghilangkan penat atau menghibur diri bersama teman teman.
10 Restoran China Terbaik di Surabaya
Sebagai ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Timur, tentunya banyak sekali tempat makan yang dapat kita temukan di Surabaya, salah satunya adalah Chinese food restaurant. Menemukan restoran china di surabaya sangat mudah karena di Surabaya terdapat kawasan Chinatown yang sangat luas. Menikmati Chinese food sangat cocok bersama keluarga atau temandan juga cocok untuk kumpul keluarga atau makan bersama keluarga besar. Berikut ini adalah restoran cina yang kami pilih untuk Anda di surabaya, Anda dapat memeriksa rating dan ulasan pada resroran.
10 Restoran Jepang Terbaik di Bandung
Jepang sangat terkenal dengan keindahan kota dan budayanya. Kuliner jepang juga sangatlah populer dan sangat unik wajib di coba. Masakan Jepang cukup mudah ditemukan di manapun. Tentu nya di bandung juga sangat banyak restoran Jepang. Jenis makanan seperti sushi,ramen, Shabu-shabu, udon dan nasi curry merupakan masakan Jepang di Bandung yang paling populer. Masakan Jepang terbagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu autentik dan juga fusion. Melihat jumlah penggemarnya yang banyak, tak heran jika kita bisa dengan mudah menemukan aneka masakan Jepang hampir di setiap sudut kota.
10 Tempat Makan Seafood Terbaik di Surabaya
Seafood merupakan salah satu makanan yang tidak pernah sepi peminat. Banyak restoran seafood tersebar di Surabaya. Mencari makanan seafood enak di Surabaya bukanlah hal sulit, karena restoran seafood di Surabaya yang membuat jatuh hati para penikmatnya. Mulai dari kepiting, aneka ikan, cumi dan udang dengan rasa yang nikmat dapat kalian temukan di Surabaya.
10 Restoran Indonesia Terbaik di Tangerang
Mencari restoran Indonesia dengan rasa yang autentik bukanlah hal yang sulit. Hampir di semua pelosok wilayah di Indonesia terdapat tempat makan yang menyajikan masakan khas Indonesia, salah satunya di Tangerang. Ada beberapa restoran dengan masakan khas Indonesia di Tangerang yang sangat direkomendasikan, dari yang berupa hidangan rumahan hingga restoran bintang lima. Beragam menu makanan seperti nasi kuning, coto, mie kocok adalah contoh masakan Indonesia di Tangerang yang menarik untuk dicicip. Meskipun menjamurnya tempat makan yang menyediakan masakan khas Indonesia di Tangerang namun list restoran di bawah ini yang menjadi favorit warga Tangerang.
10 Restoran Seafood Terbaik di Jakarta
Mencari kuliner seafood yang enak di Jakarta adalah sangat mudah. Yang sulit adalah menemukan rasa masakan yang sesuai dengan selera. Biasanya Kita dapat menemukan restoran seafood enak di Jakarta yang berada di kawasan Pluit, Senopati, Menteng dan Muara Karang. Banyak restoran seafood yang berlokasi di dekat pantai dan mereka mengambil seafood langsung dari laut sehingga dapat disajikan fresh.
10 Restoran Masakan Padang Terdekat di Tangerang
Masakan Padang di Tangerang sangat banyak peminatnya, sehingga sangat mudah menemukan restoran Padang di Tangerang. Saat jam makan siang restoran masakan padang tidak pernah sepi bahkan sampai antri untuk membeli nya. Saya sangat suka semua menu masakan padang.
10 Kafe Terbaik di Bandung
Kafe di bandung sangat lah banyak dan Kopi merupakan salah satu kuliner yang tidak boleh dilewatkan. Selain kualitas kopi yang unggul, mereka menawarkan suasana alam yang sejuk dan tempat yang nyaman. Hal inilah yang membuat kedai kopi sangat cocok untuk tempat nongkrong di Bandung.
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